About Me

Photo of Mason Weiner

I am a full stack web developer looking to begin my software development career. I recently graduated the University of Denver full stack web development program.

I am finishing the final few credits for my Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts from University of Wisconsin at Madison.

I am looking to assume a full-time position in the meantime, and am available to start at any time.

Technical skills: HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, React, Handlebars, Express, Java, MySQL, NoSQL (MongoDB, GraphQL), Local Storage, ES6, Bootstrap, and more


Ford Finder

An app that allows users to find new Ford models and access information about them.

Ford Finder

Ford Finder web page

Deployed | GitHub

Ford Finder

Technologies Used:

Bcrypt, Heroku, Sequelize, dotenv, Express.js, Handlebars.js, mysql, CSS, Bootstrap, and Bootswatch


Envelopes is a service that allows you to keep track of your budget using virtual enveloping system. Users can login and sign up for accounts that pull up envelope cards and update transactions in the database. Much of the functionality had to be put aside due to the short time period we had to work on it.


Envelopes web page

Deployed | GitHub


Technologies Used:

React, GraphQL, Node.js and Express.js server, MongoDB, Mongoose ODM database, Heroku deployment, JSON Web Token authentication

Yoda Speak Quiz

The project allows customers to collect the user’s data for marketing and research purposes. Also, provides users a chance to know what Yoda has to say about them based on their input.

Yoda Speak Quiz

Yoda Speak Quiz web page

Deployed | GitHub

Yoda Speak Quiz

Technologies Used:

HTML, CSS, vanilla Javascript, jQuery, Bootstrap, multiple third party APIs

Workout Tracker

Using already created front end elements, I created the routes and the schema to perform CRUD operations on a mongodb database. I used the aggregate function to add up and return the workout time dynamically.

Workout Tracker

Workout Tracker web page

Deployed | GitHub

Workout Tracker

Technologies Used:

Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, Morgan, MongoDB, Heroku

Day Planner

This is an app that allows you to schedule activities for the current day while saving data to local storage. The styling changes depending on hour of the day.

Day Planner

Day Planner web page

Deployed | GitHub

Day Planner

Technologies Used:

jQuery, Bootstrap, moment.js, local storage

README Generator

This is a command line application that asks for user input and uses it to create a professional README.md file.

README Generator



README Generator

Technologies Used:

Javascript, Inquirer, File System